Apologies for blurry images on web page. Internet problems continue.
Class is in session! Pic shows moi, Logo Panda, with my two older students, Dots and Stretch, enthralled with the art of napping. Dots is the white kitten with black patches, Stretch is black with a white chest, and my handsome self lying on the right side.
They follow me everywhere to learn all my best cat strategies. My last post shows them claiming their Caragana Cabanas. Reservations for each cabana are essential so everyone knows who belongs in each space. In the nearby garden, row jumping and pouncing with scuffles and growly yowls, is a favorite with all students! Timing is everything; knowing the exact moment to make your pounce is essential or the element of surprise is lost.
Dots and Stretch with their mom Elaina, after checking out the Caragana Cabanas.
My two newest students, [to the left], Rose[grey] and Lily, [white with patches], are still shy but have been introduced to posing, pawsing, purring, snacking, napping, hiding, and catemplating. More classroom pics will follow in the next few weeks.
Publishing mews:
The Boss has been busy working with the publisher to iron out any wrinkles. No actual publishing date yet. The publisher sends a proof copy to the Boss for approval and if that is all ok, then the rest of the publishing goes ahead.
Terrible internet here the last month; looking into what can be done to improve this vital part of the Boss’s work and MY POSTS! Purrfectly meowful that moi, Logo Panda, can’t do my job and bring all of you the latest mews more regularly!
Website, www.sharonmcgrawkidsbooks.com update with BOOKS Page is still under construction, because of the poor internet.
Keep watching for updates! Pawsing for now, Panda